2023 Orthodox Christian Perspectives to Feature Drs. David and Mary Ford

 Orthodox Christian Perspectives

February 10-11, 2023

“Seeking Holiness in an Unholy World”

North Texas Orthodox Missions invites you to join us for presentations focused upon enriching our life in Christ while living in a secular world.

Handouts for the Talks:

    1. Glory of Marriage
    2. Communion with the Saints
    3. Why We Go to Church
    4. The Home as Little Church
    5. Positive and Negative Thoughts

Friday evening: February 10, 2023, St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral OCA, 4208 Wycliff Ave, Dallas, TX 75219• 6:00-7:00pm—Reception
• 7:00-8:30 pm—”Wisdom for Holy Living by St. John Chrysostom”, Dr. David Ford.

Saturday: February 11, 2023, Sts. Constantine and Helen AOC,
1225 E. Rosemeade Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75007
• 8:30 am--Doors open
• 9:00am-3:00 pm presentations with lunch at noon

Living in Communion with the Saints, Dr. David C. Ford — “A man is known by the company he keeps.” As Orthodox Christians, we’re encouraged to live in company with those who are seeking holiness in this life, and with those who are abiding with Christ in the next world who have been recognized by our Church as having attained such holiness as to be glorified as Saints.

Why Do We Go to Church? What is Happening There? Joining the Communion of Saints in Worship, Dr. Mary Ford — “The Liturgy is the continually repeated solemnization [i.e., the formal ceremony] of God's love for mankind, and of His all-powerful mediation for the salvation of the whole world, and of every member separately: the marriage of the Lamb” (St. John of Kronstadt, My Life in Christ).

Transmitting, Indeed Radiating, our Faith to our Children, Dr. David C. Ford — Helping our youth to grow in the holiness that the Saints embody for us.

Dealing with Positive and Negative Thoughts (logismoi), Dr. Mary Ford — “All problems of society happen because we follow wrong thoughts” (Bp. Eimilianos). Some practical aspects of spiritual life, especially the crucially important ascetic discipline of properly dealing with our thoughts.

Dr. David C. Ford received his Ph.D. in Church History and Historical Theology from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. Currently he is Professor of Church History at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in South Canaan, PA
Dr. Mary Ford received her Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Kent, Canterbury, England. She was Associate Professor of New Testament for 33 years at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in South Canaan, PA.

Admission is free.

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